Yousra Elbagir, a reporter from Sudan, won the 2016 Thomson Foundation Young Journalist Award
"The award means a lot to the people in my country, to have another Sudanese represent them rather than have a foreign journalist come in and report on stories in Sudan" — Yousra Elbagir, 2016 winner
2015 Young Journalist winner, Caroline Ariba, revealed the plight of mothers in Tisai, a little known Island in Uganda’s Eastern district of Kumi
Thomson Foundation has a strong tradition of involvement in competitions for journalists and this is the fourth year that the organisation has sponsored this award
Finalists attend the prestigious FPA Awards gala evening in London, along with a host of other award winners and leading figures from the world of journalism
Each year, the Thomson Foundation sees a higher quality of entries from young journalists who demonstrate all of the traits of hardworking, curious and, often, brave reporters
The Thomson Foundation Young Journalist Award, part of the prestigious Foreign Press Association (FPA) Media Awards, recognises excellence in human rights reporting by journalists aged 30 and under. Through intelligent, compassionate and dignified reporting, the journalists contribute to public awareness by revealing stories about their communities. In many cases, governments have taken action to deal with the issues highlighted.
London, United Kingdom
UK Foreign Press Association
Human rights reporting
When you receive international acclaim with an award like this, it makes you feel it’s worth it. Encouraging journalists to strive for awards like this improves the quality of stories”