Fighting corruption through investigative journalism

The Mongolian Association of Investigative Journalists was formed as a direct result of a Thomson Foundation training workshop on investigative journalism. The association acts as a support network for those working in this challenging and important field of journalism. The workshop was held alongside a conference for editors on internal governance in media

Fast facts


Ulan Bataar, Mongolia


Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Project start date

March 2014


Transparency International; British Council; Globe International;


Investigative journalism

If journalists start exposing cases of corruption, it makes all officials and business people think twice before putting their fingers in the till. There’s a tremendous knock-on effect, and that’s one of the reasons there’s so much enthusiasm for investigative journalism among the Mongolian press corps. What they don’t have is the time and the money”

Oliver Wates, Thomson Foundation trainer

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Deborah Kelly

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